105th Anniversary Golf Tournament

Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf & Curling Club Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf & Curling Club, Sturgeon County, Alberta, Canada

ONLY 35 SPOTS LEFT ! SALES CLOSE END OF DAY 7TH AUGUST 105th Anniversary Golf Tournament Tickets are $40 Teams of 4, best ball, shotgun start. Call RHQ to book tickets 780-973-4011 ext 5450 Map to the golf course

105th Anniversary Gala

Hotel MacDonald 10065 100 St NW, edmonton, Alberta, Canada

GALA IS NOW SOLD OUT, NAMES CAN BE PUT ON STANDBY   09 August 19 The Fairmont Hotel Macdonald   Cocktails @ 1800hrs Dinner @ 1900hrs Dance to follow   Serving members Mess Dress No 2 or No 2B Civilians: Evening wear

PPCLI Association Dedication Parade at Patricia Park

Patricia Park Griesbach Parade NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

On 10 August 2019, the PPCLI Association with the support of 1 PPCLI and the PPCLI Foundation will conduct a Dedication Parade at Patricia Park in Edmonton. The Roll of Honor at Patricia Park list the names of 1,866 members of the Regiment who died during the First and Second World Wars, Korea, United Nations…