
We need your assistance!  The Regiment has created a Monuments and Memorials Manual to capture all of the PPCLI affiliated monuments, memorials, parks, and natural features across Canada and the world.  Unfortunately, we are missing the vital pictures and descriptions to add to the current narrative.

Therefore, we ask all members of the Patricia Family take time to visit these sites – and ones we are missing – to create this piece of regimental history.

We encourage you to visit these sites, take an objective photo (no selfies please), and draft a quick description of the site for consideration and amendment in the Regimental Monuments and Memorials Manual.

Please send all entries to 

Our goal is to have a fully comprehensive directory that recognizes all of the PPCLI affiliated monuments and memorials in time for the Regiment’s 125th.

We look forward to hearing from you!  Happy hunting!

View the Regimental Monuments and Memorials Manual