The Patrician

The Patrician is an annual, informal record of the Regiment’s service.

The Patrician Dates from 1933 and was formerly published by the regiment as a quarterly journal. The editors were located at Work Point Barracks in Victoria, BC and the journal was printed by the Veteran’s Press in Winnipeg, MB. Publication ceased during the Second World War and Korea but has been ongoing since 1953

Submit articles and photos

All Patricias serving, retired and affiliated are encouraged to contribute to the Patrician.

Article Submission Instructions

Contact Regimental Headquarters

403 Korea Rd.
PO Box 10500 Stn Forces
Edmonton, AB  T5J 4J5
Phone: 780-973-4011 ext. 5450
[email protected]

Advertise and Donations

The PPCLI appreciates all of its corporate sponsors! Businesses may support the Patrician by purchasing advertising space or donating directly to the PPCLI Regimental Fund.

Advertise/Sponsor The Patrician