Benevolent Fund
The Regiment has created it is own benevolent fund, the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Benevolent Fund, to provide a means to support Regimental or Association members where other agencies do not cover, or inadequately cover, the needs of our members.
The objectives of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Benevolent Fund are as follows:
a. foster, maintain and promote the welfare of all members of the Regiment;
b. enhance the esprit-de-corps in the Regiment; and
c. promote the welfare of the dependants of members of the Regiment.
The following benefits shall be offered:
a. provision of benevolent loans;
b. provision of benevolent grants; and
c. provide recognition to members who have died on duty.
The following categories will be funded:
a. Loans. Hardship loans will be granted by the PPCLI Benevolent Fund Board of Trustees based on need, availability of funds and the recipient’s ability to pay back the funds without causing undo financial hardship;
b. Grants. Hardship grants will be granted by the PPCLI Benevolent Fund Board of Trustees based on need and availability of funds; and
c. Loan and Grant. A combination of the two above mentioned.
The following individuals will qualify for consideration of support from the PPCLI Benevolent Fund:
a. Serving Members. All officers, Warrant Officers and Non-Commissioned members of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry who are
currently serving in the Regular Force;
b. Dependants. Dependants of currently serving members and those who have died whilst serving;
c. Association Members. Association members of the PPCLI Association; and
d. Association Member’s Dependants. Dependants of members of the PPCLI Association.