Regimental Veterans Care

Your Regimental Veterans’ Care Cell (RVC) has continued to work as a point of contact, advocate and source of information on behalf of all members of the Regiment, those who have served in support of the Regiment and their families. There have been numerous changes in Benefits Packages and Policy changes that directly affect our serving component as well as those who have medically released or moved on from their military careers. In addition to the Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces programs, we would like all soldiers serving and retired to be aware of a great many civilian and private organizations and initiatives that exist to ensure a high quality of support and standard of life. The RVC will stay up to date on the policies and issues as they change.

Educational Bursaries and Grants
A number of Educational Bursaries and Grants are available for all members of the Regiment, serving and retired as well as family members. All bursaries and grants have specific requirements and to best find one that suits your needs please visit and go to the RVC tab and look at all your options under Bursaries & Grants. Here are a few with a brief overview of the organizations.

PPCLI Student Bursaries

The student bursary program was established to provide financial assistance for the purpose of advancing the post-secondary education of applicants. Bursaries are available to serving, former and retired members, cadets, spouses, children and grandchildren whom are enrolled with an accredited post-secondary institution. The bursary awards are applicable to post-secondary students enrolled full-time in university, technical school, community college, or any other accredited degree or diploma granting institution anywhere in the world.

Canadian Hero Fund

The Canadian Hero Fund is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting Canadian military personnel and their families. As a national civilian charity, the Canadian Hero Fund raises money through grassroot community efforts and acts as a conduit for all Canadians to show their support and care for military families and their sacrifice.

Canada Company

Canada Company helps families of fallen military members with scholarships and other initiatives and assistance. They also help transitioning members of the CAF find jobs in Corporate Canada through their Military Employment Transition (MET) Program and develop educational initiatives surrounding the military mission.

Supporting Organizations

Soldier On
Soldier On is a sanctioned Canadian Armed Forces program that supports currently serving members and veterans to overcome their physical or mental health illness or injury through physical activity and sport. The program is a highly visible and integral component of the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces’ commitment and priority towards providing a comprehensive approach to care for ill and injured members. The fund has disbursed more than $2.5 million for the purchase of sporting and recreational equipment such as bicycles, golf clubs, kayaks, ski and fishing equipment. The fund also pays for training and travel expenses for members to participate in regional, national and international events.

For a list of national and regional events visit

Outward Bound Canada Veterans’ Program
Outward Bound Canada’s Veterans’ Program is designed to help Canadian military veterans face the challenges they often encounter post-deployment, through inspiring journeys of healing and self-discovery in the Canadian wilderness. Their specially designed programs take veterans on week-long expeditions, incorporating activities such as rock-climbing, ski mountaineering, ice-climbing and hiking. Participants are given an opportunity to reflect on and share their experiences and transition challenges in a supportive and restorative environment.

Full funding is available, if required, including your travel to and from the course. Eligibility for full funding will be determined by their Veterans’ Program Manager. This opportunity is made possible by the generous support of private donors and several committed foundations.

For a list of events visit

Veterans Transition Program
The Veterans Transition Program (VTP) is a group-based counselling and transition course designed to help men and women of the Canadian Forces to overcome barriers to their transition to civilian life.  The program was developed at the University of British Columbia and is delivered by the Veterans Transition Network, a registered Canadian charity.   In the VTP veterans work cooperatively in groups facilitated by specially trained counselling psychologists and former course graduates. The program involves 10 days of retreat-based group work, consisting of three separate weekends during which the group meets for various exercises and skill development sessions. Their new skills are then utilized in daily life between retreats.  Core components of our coursework include communication skills, transition and career counselling, as well as PTSD education and management.  Techniques such as skills rehearsals and smart goals involve participants practicing competencies with each other while preparing and planning for the outside world.  By the end of the course each participant will have completed roughly 100 hours of personal and group work in a clinically supervised setting.
All fees (inc. travel, room and board) are covered by donations from the Canadian public.  VTP can also submit claims on behalf of VAC clients to have their expenses covered by Veteran Affairs.

For more information about the VTP please visit their website at

Wounded Warrior Canada
Wounded Warriors Canada is a non-profit organization that supports Canada’s ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, veterans, and their families. Through a wide range of national programs and services, Wounded Warriors provides a spectrum of care that is focused on mental health and, particularly, PTSD. Whether it is through their mental health challenges, the pioneering initiatives they fund through third party partnerships, or their individual support management Hand Up program, they are committed to ensuring they provide a diverse set of programs and services for wounded soldiers and their families. Highlighted below is an example of some their initiatives and the proud partnerships they have forged.

  • Can Praxis PTSD Equine. Is designed for Veterans diagnosed with PTSD and their spouse/partner/family member. It is an intense nine day program, divided into three phases, each of which is three days long.
  • COPE. Couples Overcoming PTSD Every day, COPE includes the spouse or partner as a part of the learning and treatment protocols for PTSD.
  • Park of Reflection. Is a memorial dedicated to all of Canada’s uniformed service personnel and their families, who have served internationally or domestically, and became ill or injured in the line of duty.
  • Tribute to your service events. Allow communities from across the country to open their arms and welcome serving and retired CAF members and guests at events geared towards group camaraderie, information sharing, relaxation and family healing.
  • PTSD Service Dogs. Wounded Warrior is linked to numerous organization which provide PTSD service dogs to the members of the veteran community.

The Royal Canadian Legion is Canada’s largest Veteran support and community service organization. They have more than 300,000 members in over 1400 Branches across Canada making a difference in the lives of veterans and their families, providing essential services within our communities, and remembering the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. The Legion Service Bureau Network serves veterans, members of the CAF, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and their families by representing their interests with Veterans Affairs Canada and the Veterans Review and Appeal Board for disability benefits under the Pension Act or the New Veterans Charter. Professional, Command Legion Service Officers provide counselling, assistance and representational services free of charge, whether or not you are a Legion member. Their representation role is mandated through legislation. If you require assistance in obtaining VAC disability benefits or need more information about available VAC services and programs or the Legion’s benevolent assistance, or have a friend or family member who needs this help, please call 613-591-3335 or toll-free at 877-534-4666 to speak to a Service Officer or visit and click on the serving veterans tab and click locate a contact a service officer to find one within your region.

Canadian Forces (CF) Appreciation
The CF Appreciation Program was created to offer a variety of discounts to Canadian military personnel and their families in recognition of their sacrifices and dedication. The program expanded to include some of the world’s brands and major businesses, and is being enhanced and expanded into new markets. The program aims to incorporate new business categories and more attractive incentives within the existing program to meet the ever evolving needs of the CF community, particularly in the areas of family attractions, leisure travel, entertainment and accommodations.