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PPCLI Association
100th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge
First World War BattlefieldsTO ALL PATRICIA’S AND FRIENDS OF THE REGIMENT Join us in commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge 8 - 22 May, 2017 Avoid the crowds in April 2017 and come with the Patricia’s in May! Back by popular demand, historians Doug Delaney and Terry Loveridge will once again lead the PPCLI Regimental family through…
PPCLI Association AGM
St. Albert Inn 156 St Albert Trail, St. Albert, alberta, CanadaPPCLI Association 71st AGM St. Albert / Edmonton AB 7-10 August 2019 The 2019 AGM will be held in St. Albert, AB with activities centered on the St. Albert Inn, just minutes north of Edmonton. The Inn is located close to many facilities including, restaurants, fast food establishments, pubs and minutes from St. Albert mall…
PPCLI Association AGM
PPCLI Association AGM in Saskatoon, SK
PPCLI Association-Mental Health Workshop
PPCLI Association-Mental Health Workshop in North Bay, ON